ABC (American Broadcasting Company),
75–76, 100, 175
ABC News, 219, 337
ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty, 67,
139–41, 183
abortion rights, 250, 253, 254, 256, 271,
274; opposed, 43, 269, 301
Abramoff, Jack, 244n, 365n48
Abu Ghraib torture scandal. See torture
Ackerman, Bruce, 140–41, 322
Adams, John, 82
Addington, David, 178–79, 198; as Bush
Sr.’s counsel, 285; as Cheney’s aide, 8,
54, 61, 63, 67, 83–84, 284, 287, 331,
335–37, 339, 349, (made chief of staff)
168; as Cheney’s counsel, 75, 87–88,
92, (confirmation hearings) 63, 285,
286; and disclosure rules, 164, 165;
and GAO, 88–89, 90–91, 93, 99; and
Geneva Conventions, 146, 147,
183–84; and military commissions,
135–37, 196, 362n13; and presidential
power, 57, 141, 181, 265; and
surveillance program, 131, 184, 185,
196; and torture issue, 154, 191, 225;
and use of signing statements, 236;
and Yoo, 82, 146, 182
affirmative action, 250, 253; opposition to,
43, 237, 241, 254
Afghanistan, 218; missile strikes on, 65;
prisoners from, 143–44, 150, 177,
193, 195, (abused) 215, (Geneva
Conventions disregarded) 145, 183,
194, 354n55, 355n60, 363n22; U.S.
forces in, 128, 134, 312, 314
Aftergood, Steven, 358n10
Agrast, Mark, 244n
Air Force One (during 9/11), 4–5, 6
Alaska, radar facility built in, 67
Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, 87
Albert, Carl, 31
Alito, Samuel Jr., 172, 298; nominated,
serves on Supreme Court, 267,
269–73, 274–75, (dissenting opinion
by) 277–78; and presidential power,
233–34, 268–73
Allende, Salvador, 36
Alliance for Justice, 262
Al Qaeda: attacks U.S., 9, 93, 110–11,
(bombs U.S.S. Cole) 178; commander
of, 368n18; Iraqi ties to: (alleged),
156, 182, 219–20, 291–94;
members in U.S., 128, 177–78, 203,
(alleged) 149–51, 194, 200, 201n;
operational commander (Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed) 306, 368n18;
prisoners, 143, 191, 222, (and Geneva
Conventions) 146–48, (trial of) 58n,
134; threat disregarded, 165; war
against, 82, 154, 157, 226, 314, 315,
321, (Congress approves) 113, 121,
188, 193, 312
American Airlines flight 77, 3
American Bar Association (ABA), 242,
243n; task force, 244–47
American Conservative Union, 198, 204
American Enterprise Institute (AEI),
59–60, 61, 67
American Freedom Agenda, 329
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC), 174
Americans for Tax Reform, 204
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. See ABM
anti-impoundment law. See impoundment
Arar, Maher, 149–50, 363n26
Army Field Manual, 220
Articles of Confederation, 14
Ashcroft, John, 76–78, 138, 196, 209, 338,
342, 350n9; hiring policy, 296–97,
300; secrecy, 95, 96; and surveillance
program, 113, 184–88, 191, 197–98;
and “terrorist plots,” 108, 151;
whistle-blower case, 168–69; vs. Yoo,
182, 183
Associated Press (AP), 68
Atlantic Monthly, The, 71
AT & T, 339
Atta, Mohamed, 177, 293–94
Authorization for Use of Military Force
(AUMF), 128, 153, 365n55
Ayers, David, 185, 187
Bagram Air Base, 214
Baker, James, 43
Balkin, Jack, 207–8, 305, 349, 376–77n4
Baltimore Ravens, 85
Balz, Dan, 333n12
Barbour, Haley, 86
Barr, William P., 57–59
Barron David, 347
Bartholet, Elizabeth, 192
Bates, John, 112, 262
Beaver, Diane, 178, 361n6
Becker, David, 298
Becker, Edward, 96
Bellinger, John, 135
Berenson, Bradford, 72, 74–75, 90, 134,
135–37, 236, 361–62n13
Berlin Wall, 43
Bhopal, India, chemical plant accident, 102
Biden, Joseph, 346
Bill of Rights, 152, 206
bin Laden, Osama, 111, 134, 193, 218
Black, Brig. Gen. Scott, 138
“black-bag jobs,” 22, 40–41. See also
surveillance program, warrantless
Blackburn, Dr. Elizabeth, dismissal of, 303
“Black Hawk Down” incident, 65
Black Panthers, 322, 335n35
Blair, Tony, 293
Blanco, Kathleen, 317–18
Blanton, Thomas, 163
Boardman, Michelle, 248
Boehner, John, 311
Boland, Edward P., and Boland
Amendment, 52–53, 55
Bolten, Joshua, 4–5, 6
Bonior, David, 66
Bookbinder, David, 176
border patrol, 242–43
Bork, Robert, 78, 232, 263–64
Bosnia, peacekeeping troops in, 65
Boston Globe, 192, 225
Bradbury, Steven, 173, 198n, 248, 338, 344
Brandeis, Louis, 89
Brant, David, 178
Brauner, Cathy, 171
Brauner, Susan, 171
Brazil, CIA intervention in, 20
British Petroleum, 346n5
Broken Branch, The (Mann and Ornstein),
Brown, Janice Rogers, 374n31
Brown, Michael, 239, 263
Brownback, Col. Peter, 196
Buchen, Phil, 26, 27, 37
budget cuts, secrecy about, 104–5
bureaucracy, control of. See Bush-Cheney
Burford, Anne Gorsuch, 46
Burton, Dan, 97–98
Bush, George H. W., 68, 119; heads CIA, 7,
37, 130; as vice president, 42, (papers
of) 97, 259
AS PRESIDENT, 9, 57–59, 65, 244n,
305; appointees, 61, 88, 161, 234,
251, 268, 285, 343n40; Gulf War,
61–62, 66, 156, 204; loses reelection
bid, 63, 251; and presidential power,
58–59, 317; signing statements, 233,
235; uses veto, 230. See also
Bush-Quayle administration
Bush, George W., 11–12; as governor of
Texas, 8, 71–72, 76, 140, 265,
(campaigns for presidency, chooses
Cheney as running mate, elected)
68–69, 70–72, 159, 253, 290
AS PRESIDENT, 224, 250, 311;
appointees, 112, 153, 171–73, 178,
196, 198n, 201n, 240, 291, 306,
(authority limited) 157; appoints
Roberts to Supreme Court, 251–52,
(confirmation battle) 262–67; “axis
of evil” speech, 264; as commander
in chief, 146–47, 155–56, 194, 226,
237–38, 318, 326, (orders troops into
combat) 127–28, 158; defies warrant
law, 132, 203–4, 207, 260, (renews
surveillance program) 188, (secret
program) 115, (stops ethics
investigation of program) 203;
disregards Congress, 237–43, 244,
288–89; executive orders, 275, (on
agencies) 306, (Cheney defies) 164,
(on faith-based groups) 289–91, (on
reclassifying records) 162–64, 259;
executive power, 207, 249,
(renounces ABM treaty) 139–41,
(orders reclassification of
information) 162–64; and foreign
policy, 141, 239; and Geneva
Conventions, see Geneva
Conventions; influences on, 84,
(Cheney) 6, 8, 75; lawsuit against,
264, 319; and 9/11, 4–5, 6–7, 112,
119–22; No Child Left Behind law of,
172; and Patriot Act, 228; and
presidential records, 96–97, (secrecy
about) 100, 259; reelected, 194, 313;
signing statements used by, see
signing statements; and torture ban,
221, 223, (nullifies) 224–26, 229, 231,
237, 271–72, 357n40; use of veto,
230–31, 324, 326–27, (threatened)
221, 223; and war on terrorism, 203,
221, (speeches on) 308–10, 311
Bush-Cheney administration, 7–9, 74,
225; bad news buried by, 224; battle
for office, 72, 159, (Bush v. Gore)
49, 70, 253, (financial backing and
volunteers for) 86, 297; bureaucratic
control, battle for, 196, 282, 286–92,
294, 295, (agencies controlled) 304,
305–7; criticism of, 50, 175, 195,
205, 321, (bipartisan) 199, 202,
204, 211, 221, 241, 248–49, 323,
(judge’s accusations) 200–201; and
expansion of presidential power,
50, 56, 86, 89, 122–25, 127, 132–33,
142, 208, 269, 278, 311–29, (and
Iraq war) 157, (retreat from) 327;
Geneva Conventions, 146–47, 238
(see also Geneva Conventions);
hiring policy, 295–300, 324–25,
(and fi rings) 324–25; information
controlled by, 164–65, 166, 172,
173–75; legal strategy of, 57, 212,
224; legal team changes, 181–83;
and military commission trials, see
military commission trials; and 9/11,
76, 93–95, 99–100, 121–22; personnel
of, 7, 23, 46, 58n, 82–84; reelection
campaign, 116, 162, 166, 172, (second
term begins) 8, 158, 179, 194, 197,
208, 209–10, 350n9; scientists’ advice
censored or disregarded by, 106–7,
301–4; secrecy under, 27, 90, 93–95,
99–117, 131, 149, 162–71, 189, 228,
320, 322, 352n24, (“constitutional
immunity”) 166, (need for “zone
of ”) 8, 323; (presidential papers)
259, (Republican alarm at) 98, 100,
(State Secrets Privilege) 169, 171,
and signing statements, see signing
statements; Supreme Court vacancies
during, 250, 251–52, 253–54,
262–67; and surveillance program,
115, 128–29, 184, 202–8, 271, (warrant
law) 57, 130–32, 134, 184, 188, 202–8,
271, 324, 353n32, 365n55, 366n58,
(wiretaps) 203, 208, 242, 262, 315–16;
and terrorism, 150, 152, 272, 313,
338n77 (see also “enemy combatants”);
torture issue, 190, 210, 211–15,
221–26, 275, (Bush denies U.S. use)
224, (secret memo on) 155, 195,
210; and Unitary Executive Theory,
240, 256, 271–74, 282; and “video
news releases,” 172–73. See also Bush,
George W.; Cheney, Richard Bruce
Bush family machine, 71
Bush People, 7, 325
Bush-Quayle administration, 8, 46, 66,
78, 83; appointees, 88, 178, 200, 204,
251, 374n31; Cheney as secretary
of defense in, see Cheney, Richard
Bruce; and Gulf War, see Gulf War;
“Iraq-gate” scandal, 362n14; and
presidential power, 9, 58n, 64, 305;
and signing statements, 234, 235; and
warrant law, 130, 205. See also Bush,
George H. W.
Bush v. Gore, 49, 70, 253
Butler, Pierce, 82
Bybee, Jay S., 78–79, 82, 148–49, 153–54,
155, 183, 212; confirmed as judge,
181–82, 191
Byrd, Robert, 32
Calabresi, Steven, 44, 232, 234, 243
California, wildfires in, 341
California Law Review, 80
Cambodia: bombing of, 22, 25; and
Mayagüez incident, 31–33
Canada, and Arar affair, 149–50
Card, Andrew, 101, 107, 156, 185–87, 197,
252, 357n81
Carnahan, Russ, 117
Carter, Jimmy, 24, 38, 119, 258, 338n54;
appointees, 49, 95, 206; Goldwater
sues, 41–42, 142; and presidential
power, 40–42, 63, 141, (hostage crisis)
42, 255; and warrant law, 40, 130, 205
Casey, Robert, Jr., 347
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 30
censorship, 105–6, 174. See also secrecy
Center for Constitutional Rights, 266
Center for Individual Rights, 297
Center for Reproductive Health, 301
Centers for Disease Control, 302
Chadha case, 254–55
chain of command, 5, 51
Chalabi, Ahmed, 118
Chamber of Commerce lawsuit, 65
Charlotte, N.C., Legal
Services program, 336n38
Chechnya, 166, 200
checks and balances, 16, 48, 49, 89, 129,
212, 349; elimination of, 123, 243, 256,
271, 278, 312, 322
Cheney, Lynne Vincent, 10–11, 12–13, 52;
and 9/11 crisis, 6, 7
Cheney, Mary, 68
Cheney, Richard Bruce
10–13, 19; deferred from military
service, 12–13; inside White House,
21, 22–25, (as Ford’s chief of staff), 7,
9, 26, 33, 35–36, 50 (see also Ford,
Gerald), (with Nixon) 7, 9, 14, 23, 24;
wins congressional seat, 38–40
38–40, 59–60; bills sponsored by, 39;
Medved’s opinion of, 39; policy
recommendations, 43; as president of
the Senate, 73, 164; supports Reagan,
40, 42–43, 49–52, (see also Iran-
Contra affair)
61–63, 83, 282, 284, 287, 343n40;
defies Congress, 61–62, 283, 285, 290;
and the media, 34–35; out of office,
63, 67–68, (at Halliburton) 68, 143;
as vice-presidential nominee, 68–69
AS VICE PRESIDENT, 70, 84, 198, 308;
Bush’s deference to, 6, 8; campaign,
68–69; and eavesdropping without
warrants, 131, 185, 201–2; as equal to
president, 163; and Espionage Act, 35,
175; Ford’s opinion of, 338n77;
interviewed: (on presidency) 158–59,
(on security) 357n84, 359n10, (on war
prisoners) 147, (on warrant laws) 202;
and 9/11, 3–7, 9, 112, 119; opposes
torture ban, 221, 222–24, 225; and
presidential power, 50, 57, 75, 100, 168,
181, 182–83, 201–2, (“low point”) 26,
(signing statements) 236; reelected,
194; secrecy, 64, 86–89, 90–93, 99–102,
115, 138, 163–64, 259–60, 262, 357n84,
(Walker v. Cheney), 101, 112–13,
160–62; shapes policy, 8–9, 75–76,
(energy) 85–89, (war in Iraq) 157; and
war prisoners, 147, (interrogation
policy) 155, 195, 223–27. See also Bush-
Cheney administration
Cheney People, 7–8
Chertoff, Michael, 362n13
Chile, 20; coup in (1973), 36
China, 216, 283, 356n71; U.S. relations
with, 41, 141
Christian Legal Society, 297
Church, Frank, 28–29, 42, 129
Church Committee, 29, 35, 36, 58n, 129,
132, 340n83; and CIA, 35, 54, 154;
warns against secrecy, 89
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 49,
54, 55, 58n, 77, 129, 164; accusations
against/reports on, 27–28, 34–36,
340n83, (Congress investigates) 28–30,
327, (illegality of operations denied)
198; agent killed, 143; assassination
of foreign leaders forbidden, 29;
bill requiring audit of, 24; detainee
abuse by, 69, 215, 276 (see also torture
policy, below); Ford’s order limiting,
29; funding of, 56, 118; George
H. W. Bush heads, 7, 36, 130; Iraq
reports discounted by, 293–94; Justice
Department approval of actions of,
30; mistakes of, in overseas operations,
149; and 9/11, 292, (post-9/11)
128, 215; opposes Freedom of
Information Act, 27; power expanded,
20; prisoners of, 309, (missing) 309,
(in secret foreign prisons) 175, 222,
223, 274, 276, 308–9; secret records
of, 27, 358n5; and SERE School,
215; supports Contras, 52–53; and
terrorism information, 154, 165,
177, 359n15, 368–69n18, (torture
used to obtain), 154–55, 219; torture
policy, 210, 219, 367n4, (interrogation
memo) 191, 196, 198, 226; (McCain
Amendment and) 220, 222, 225
Cisneros, Henry, 72
Civil Rights Division. See Justice
civil rights laws, 21, 293, 296
Civil War, U.S., 16–17, 21, 257
Clegg, Roger, 298–99
Clement, Edith Brown, 374n31
Clement, Paul, 77, 188–89, 198
Clinton, Bill, 119, 251, 286, 336n40;
appointees, 72, 88, 153, 161, 165, 167,
195, 201n, 205; controls agencies,
305–6; and presidential power, 63–67,
312 (as commander in chief) 67,
74, 235; scandals, 65, 98–99, 112,
(impeached, acquitted) 65, 70, 75; and
signing statements, 230, 235–36; signs
War Crimes Act, 146; uses veto, 230
Clinton-Gore administration, 59, 96,
211, 237, 354n53, 358n5; attacks on,
66–67, 91–92, (Senate tactics against)
73; campaign funds, 97–98; and
prisoners, 143, 149; secrecy under, 63,
98–99, 162, 358n5; and warrant law,
130. See also Gore, Al
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 64, 91–92, 161,
176, 204, 329
CNN (Cable News Network), 67, 222
Coalition of Journalists for Open
Government, 90
Coffin, Shannen, 168
Colby, William, 30
Cold War, 21, 44, 91, 144, 163, 175, 340n83;
ends, 43, 67, 312; presidential power
during, 14, 17, 18, 129, 170, 313
Cole, David, 203
Cole, U.S.S., 178
Coleman, Norm, 157
Colombia, U.S. troops in, 237, 241
Columbia space shuttle disaster, 348n48
Comey, James, 184–88, 190, 197–98, 199,
335, 338, 366n69
commander in chief, president as. See
presidential power
Communism, opposition to, 19, 44, 50, 79;
witch hunts, 20
Communists in Far East, 80, 283; take
Saigon, 30, 32; torture prisoners, 216;
U.S. action against, 31; U.S. relations
with, 41, 141
Competition in Contracting Act (1984),
231–32, 234
Concerned Alumni of Princeton University
(CAP), 269
Congress, U.S.: agencies created by, 304,
305; anti-poverty laws, 21, 23;
authorizes war on terror, 113, 120–21,
188, 193, 212; Bush disregards,
237–43, 242, 288–89; Cheney defi es,
57, 60, 61–63, 283, 285, 288–89, 290;
and CIA hearings, 28–30; and
legislative vetoes, 41, 74, 246, 254;
and McCain torture ban, 221,
222–23, 226; overriding presidential
veto, 26, 350n33; party control of, see
Democratic Party; Republican Party;
power of, 14–17, 19, 48, 49, 124–25,
132, 323, (Bush Sr. seeks to reduce)
58–59; (Cheney seeks to reduce) 8,
26, 59–60, (Court decision reduces)
256, (limited by party politics) 118;
and presidential power, 14, 15–17,
20–22, 208, 226, (declaration of war)
16, 18–19, 25–26, 52, 120,
(deployment of troops) 26, 31–33,
42, 51, 61, 66, 122, 128, 202,
(legislation limiting) 40–41, 47, 48,
53, 62, 89, (see also War Powers
Resolution), (Reagan era) 45–48,
(secrecy and) 32–33, 86, 116–17,
(Vietnam War) 20–22, 31–32, 89;
signing statements controversy,
247–49. See also House of
Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Research Service, 101
Constitution, U.S.: Church Committee
report on, 29; and congressional
power, 14–17, 19, 124, 323, (Cheney’s
statement on) 55–56, (power of
House to block war) 335n23; and
“cruel and unusual punishment,”
367n9; and due process of law, 152;
and presidential power, 95, 204–5,
246, 323, (ABA task force opinion)
245, 247, (allocation of funds) 55,
(Bush-Cheney interpretation of) 88,
122–24, 149, 163, 170, 194, 241, 313,
(foreign policy) 55; (Meese team
Constitution, U.S. (continued)
report on) 47, 232, (“state secrets”)
170; and separation of powers, 47,
49–50, 204, 268; Supreme Court
interpretation of, 253; and treaties, 33,
142, 149, 213; and “unconstitutional”
statutes, 55, 246–47, 248, 273–74;
undermined,” 54, 313; and
unreasonable search, 129; vice
president’s role under, 164; violation
of, 243; and war, 19, 61, 80–81, 130,
(war on terror) 266
Constitutional Convention debates, 15,
80, 125
“constitutional immunity” claimed, 167
Contras (Nicaraguan guerrilla group), 50,
52–53, 373n19. See also Iran-Contra
Convention Against Torture. See torture
Conyers, John, 229–30
Conyers, John Jr., 249
Cooney, Philip A., 104
Cooper, Charles, 296
Cooper, Matt, 359n15
Cooper, Phillip, 370n5
Corallo, Mark, 194
Cornyn, John, 104
Corrigan, Maura, 374n31
Cost of Living Council, 25
Cox, Douglas, 78
Creppy, Michael, 94, 96
Cribb, T. Kenneth, 232–33
C-SPAN (TV network), 189
Cuba, 20, 144; Afghanistan prisoners
shipped to, 177; missile crisis, 20;
U.S. intervention in, 17. See also
Guantánamo Bay
Cunningham, Randall “Duke,” 325
Daschle, Tom, 121
Davis, Col. Morris, 341
Davis, Tom, 342
death penalty, 71, 138, 262
Defense Department/Pentagon, 63, 128,
235, 318, 341; in chain of command,
5; Cheney at, see Cheney, Richard
Bruce; Congress authorizes work
of, 220, 221; congressional action
against, 283, 286, 288–89; database
fi les of, 115; funding for, 118, 221, 289,
350n10; interrogation tactics of, 216,
218, 238; and military commission
trials, 137; 9/11 attack on Pentagon
building, 3, 119; OLC and, 77; secrecy
of, 27, 102–6, 116–17, 358n5; torture
investigations by, 209
Delahunt, William D., 244n
Delahunty, Roger, 352n25
DeLay, Tom, 66, 312
Dellinger, Walter, 235–36
Democratic Party, 28, 46, 118; Clinton
as leader of, 312; controls Senate/
Congress, 39, 40, 42, 53, 57, 99,
142, (loses, regains control) 42,
64, 73n, 88, 206, 249, 290–91, 299,
306, 312, 323–26, (wins midterm
elections) 27, 46, 206, 297, 304, 324;
criticized for weakness, 156, 158,
203, 310–11; criticizes Bush-Cheney
administration, 105, 175, 248; and
Gulf War, 61; hypocritical, 65–6;
opposes Contras, 50; and Patriot
Act, 228; presidency as viewed
by, 44, (and presidential power)
310–11; in presidential election
(2000), 344–45n2; splits over Court
nominations, 274; vote-fraud
accusations against, 323; and war in
Iraq, 156–57; Watergate and, 22, 44
deportation hearings, 94–96
Detroit Free Press, 94; v. Ashcroft, 95
Dingell, John, 87–88, 112
Dinh, Viet, 362n13
Dobson, James, 374n28
Dole, Bob, 341n83
Domenici, Pete, 325
Dominican Republic, U.S. intervention in,
17, 20
due process of law, 138, 152, 192
Dukakis, Michael, 57
Duke Energy Corporation, 346n5
Durbin, Richard, 271–72
Eagle Forum, 63
Edmonds, Sibel, 169
Education Department, 106, 172, 240
Edwards, Mickey, 50, 244n, 247
Egypt, prisoners transferred to, 149
Ehrlichman, John, 24
Eid, Allison, 374n31
Eighth Amendment, 367n9
Eisenhower, Dwight, 20, 313, 317, 346
elections: 2008, 329. See also Democratic
Party; Republican Party
Emergency Planning and Community
Right to Know Act, 102
“enemy combatants,” 151–53, 156,
199–200, 261, 324; Circuit
Court ruling on, 201n; Geneva
Conventions and, 183; held without
trial, 58n, 151, 188, 189, 192–94,
Energy Department, 87, 240, 358n5
Energy Policy Act (2005), 360n34
energy task force, 85–89, 90, 91n, 120;
access to records, 64, 92–93, 98,
259–60, (lawsuits over) 99–101,
112–13, 160–62, 166–68, 176, 268
Enron Corporation, 86, 99
Ensign, John, 240
environmental issues, 253, 301. See also
global warming
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
46–47, 49, 102; reports and rule
altered, 104, 302–3
Epstein, Richard, 127, 203–4
Equal Rights Amendment, 254
Espionage Act (1917), 34–35, 174, 175
Estes, Jim, 107
Ethics in Government Act (1978), 40, 47;
expires, 65
European Court of Human Rights, 144
“extraordinary rendition,” 149
factory closings, secrecy about, 104
faith-based groups, 289–90, 291, 298
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives,
291; White House Office of, 289
Fake, Tom, 10–11
Family Research Council, 106
Farrell, Chris, 91–92, 161, 166–67, 176
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation),
34–35, 72, 164, 186, 196, 244, 273,
340n76; and “black-bag jobs,” 40;
and 9/11 hijackings, 111, (post-9/11)
93, 108, 151; and Patriot Act, 113,
114n, 228–29; security clearance for,
206; and terrorism information, 165,
169, (false) 220; wiretapping by, 113,
239, 268
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA),
87, 92, 160, 167, 176, 259
Federal Communications Commission,
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), 263, 317–18, 341
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Federalist Papers, 17, 19, 48, 125–27, 140,
Federalist Society, 44, 59, 80, 234, 266, 267;
Alito speaks before, 270, 271, 272;
members in government jobs, 45, 72,
265, 296, 297, 300
Federal Register, 224, 231, 304
Federal Reserve system, 256
Federal Trade Commission, 256
Federation of American Scientists’ Project
on Government Secrecy, 358n10
Fein, Bruce, 133, 204, 243, 244n
Feingold, Russ, 249
Feith, Douglas, 291–93
Fielding, Fred, 258–59
50 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know
(Kick), 105
First Amendment, 94–95, 105, 175
Fiscus, Maj. Gen. Tom, 287
Fish and Wildlife Service, 107
Fisher, Louis, 334n20, 335n23
Fitton, Thomas, 92, 99
Fitzgerald, Patrick, 326
Flanigan, Timothy, 58n, 82–83, 84,
121–22, 154, 156, 195; and military
commissions, 134–36, 137, 195,
361–62n13; takes job at Tyco, 181,
Fleischer, Ari, 5, 6
Focus on the Family, 374n28
Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
256, 300–301
Forbes magazine, 103
Ford, Gerald, 29, 119, 204–5, 253, 303;
campaign of, Cheney runs, 42,
341n83; Cheney as chief of staff
for, 7, 9, 26, 33, 36, 39, 49, 51, (and
Hersh’s report on CIA) 34–35, 175,
(intelligence “problem”) 30, (limits
access to) 37; and CIA, 28, 29–30;
as commander in chief, 30, (invokes
executive privilege) 31–34, 36;
pardons Nixon, 26–27, (voters’ and
congressional anger at) 38, 337n43;
and warrant law, 36–37, 130
Ford administration, 28, 32–33, 35, 58n,
158, 341n83; fi ght within, over
wiretap bill, 36–37; opposes
Congress, 27, 31
Foreign Assistance Act, 257
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA,
warrant law), 40, 129–30, 332–33,
335–36; Bush-Cheney disregard or
violation of, 57, 130–32, 134, 184, 188,
202–8, 271, 337, 353n32, 365n55,
366n58, (change of policy toward) 324;
Ford administration fight over, 36–37
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
(FISC), 40, 207, 261, 262, 366n58
Fortas, Abe, 263
Fortune magazine, 86
forty-eight-hour rule, 56
Foster, Richard, 116
Founders, the, 14, 120; and checks and
balances, 16, 49, 312; and commander
in chief, 18–19, 126–27;and due
process, 152; and executive power, 21,
55, 122, 125, 132, 206, (and treaties)
140, (veto power) 231, 234, 245,
247, 327, (and war) 80–81, 157; and
separation of powers, 15, 48, 204
Fourth Amendment, 237, 352n27
Fox News (TV program), 358n10
Fox News Sunday (TV program), 147
Frank, Barney, 248
Franklin, Lawrence, 173–74, 176
Franks, Gen. Tommy, 143
Free Congress Foundation, 204
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 64,
104, 324, 340–41, 342; investigation
using, 172; opposed, 27, 96, 102–3,
259; and president’s fi les, 27, 36, 74
freedom of speech, 174, 206. See also First
Fried, Charles, 44, 45, 50, 270, 350n13
Frist, Bill, 221
Frost, David, 21
Frum, David, 264
Fugh, Maj. Gen. John, 283–85, 286
Gadhafi , Mu‘ammar, 52
Gagner, Sue, 103
GAO (General Accountability Offi ce),
88–89, 90–91, 93; lawsuit against
Cheney, 99–101, 112–13, 160, 262;
missile defense report, 116–17; studies
laws disregarded by Bush, 242–43; and
“video news releases,” 173
Gelles, Dr. Michael, 178, 217–18, 220, 369n18
Geneva Conventions, 137, 145, 192, 209,
344, 366n18; breach of considered a
felony, 146; Bush-Cheney disregard
of, 146–47, 195, 210, 226–27, 238, 244,
251–52, 275–76, 279, 309–10, 320,
336, (detainees not covered by)
145–48, 178, 183, 194, 250, 274–75,
354n55, 355n60, 363n22, (war on
terror) 138, 216, 250, 275; Common
Article III of, 276, 355n55; disputes
over, 288; and Iraq, 183–84, 363n22;
JAGs and, 279–80; McCain
Amendment and, 220; Supreme
Court and, 273, 307, 355n55; on spies
and saboteurs, 363n22; undermined,
320, 322, 361n9
Geological Survey, U.S., 106
Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 9
German prisoners’ lawsuit dismissed,
356n71. See also Nazi saboteur case
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 49, 167, 278
global warming, 86, 104, 106–7, 226, 301
Goldberg, Arthur, 257
Goldsmith, Jack, 183–88, 190–92, 196, 197,
198, 199, 331, 335–37, 349, 363n22
Goldwater, Barry, 41–42, 142; “Goldwater
conservative,” 329
Golove, David, 127
Gonzales, Alberto, 7, 130, 331, 337–38,
339, 342; as general counsel, 71–77,
82, 91, 134, 135–36, 147, 154, 182,
(and Iraq war) 155, (signs, accepts
memos) 83, 146, 212, (and secret
records) 97, 100; replaces Ashcroft as
attorney general, 197, 198, 229, 248,
252, 308, 325, (confirmation hearings)
209–13, 350n9, (and Espionage Act)
175; (and JAG meeting) 280–81; and
surveillance program, 203, 206–7, 328,
342, (vs. Ashcroft) 185–86, 197; and
torture, 153–54
Goodling, Monica, 299, 325
Goodman, Bill, 266
Gore, Al, 63, 159, 237, 344n2. See also
Clinton-Gore administration
Gorelick, Jamie, 165
Goss, Porter, 222
government deregulation, 46
Graham, Lindsey, 220–21, 226–27, 288,
Grassley, Chuck, 98
Great Britain’s Offi cial Secrets Act, 175
Great Depression, 18
Great Society, 43
Greco, Michael, 244, 246
Grenada, invasion of, 51, 257
Ground Zero, 119
Guantánamo Bay, 142–45; lawsuits by
detainees, 192, 266, 274, 277, 321 (see
also Hamdan v. Rumsfeld); prisoners
transferred to, 142–44, 194, 308
(falsely arrested) 148, 218, (released)
199, 218; treatment policy for, 177,
182, 190, 195–96, 198, 216, (abusive)
178, 179–81, 214, 217, 286; (criticism
of) 103, 192, 211, (legality of) 287–88;
trials at, 251, 272, 319; and U.S.
jurisdiction, 145, 151, 192, 354n53,
362n21, (Court extends) 194
Guatemala, U.S. intervention in, 20
Gulf War, 66, 148, 204, 260, 362n14;
Congress approves, 61–62, 156; ends,
Gun Owners of America, 204
Guter, Ret. Rear Adm. Donald, 344
Guyana, U.S. intervention in, 20
habeas corpus, 321, 324
Habitat for Humanity, 289
Hadley, Stephen, 222, 291, 357n81
Haiti, 65; Haitian prisoners, 144, 354n53
Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 24, 304, 335n29,
Halliburton company, 68, 143
Hamas, donation sites for, 166
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed, 194–96, 273
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 251–52, 254, 262,
274–78, 279, 320; Bush attacks,
309–10; reversed, 322
Hamdi, Yaser Esam, 150–53, 192–94,
199–200, 250
Hamdi case, 321
Hamilton, Alexander, 18–19, 48, 82, 124,
125–26, 140
Hansen, James, 106
Harding, Warren, 88
Harman, Jane, 229–30, 335
Harris, Katherine, 345n2
Harrison, John, 232, 234
Hatch, Orrin, 80
Hathaway, Oona, 346
Hayden, Gen. Michael, 128–30, 132, 308
Haynes, William James II “Jim,” 62, 83, 130,
135, 189, 283–87, 341, 343–45; and
military commissions, 137–38; and
torture, 154, 178, (memo on) 148, 179,
181, 184
Health and Human Services Department,
Heinzerling, Lisa, 306
Heritage Foundation, 104
Herring, Patricia Reynolds, 171
Hersh, Seymour, 27–28, 34–35, 175
Hill, Gen. James T., 216
HIV law, 235–36
HIV-positive refugees, 144
Holland & Knight law fi rm, 178
Homeland Security Act, 110, 112, 239, 314
Homeland Security Department, 102, 158,
237, 341, 362n13
House of Representatives, U.S., 289;
Cheney in, 38–39, 42 (see also
Cheney, Richard Bruce); investigates
intelligence community, 28;
and legislative veto, 41; McCain
Amendment comes before, 221, 222;
and Military Commissions Act, 310;
and Patriot Act, 113, 228; power of, to
block war, 335n23; Republican control
of, 291; Republican policy/leadership
team, 39, 50; supports Cheney in
Walker case, 113; war on terror vote
by, 120. See also Congress, U.S.
House of Representative Committees:
Ethics, 39; Government Reform, 97;
Intelligence, 39, 50, 53, 54, 115, 117,
202–3, 327; Interior, 39; Judiciary, 36,
47, 114–15, 232, 249
Human Rights First, 276
Human Rights Watch, 103, 308
Hurricane Katrina, 86, 221, 239, 262, 263,
310, 317–18, 341
Hurricane Rita, 318
Hussayen, Sami Omar al-, 166
Hussein, Saddam, 8, 61, 173, 219, 284, 294;
Bush-Quayle support for, 362n14;
implicated in 9/11, 292; and weapons
of mass destruction, 156, 157, 293,
357n81, 359n13
Iglesias, David, 325
Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS), 41
“imperial presidency,” 129, 146, 170, 328;
under FDR and Truman, 14, 44, 123,
261; under Johnson, 14, 20, 44, 146;
under Nixon, 14, 21, 100, 146,
(collapses) 22, 89; under Theodore
Roosevelt, 17. See also presidential power
impoundment, 21; law against, 62, 202
independent-counsel law, 47–48, 197;
Court upholds, 49, 58, 167; law
expires, 74
India, 102, 239
Indochina, U.S. involvement in, 22, 33
Information Security Oversight Office, 163
Insurrection Act (1807), 317, 318
INS v. Chadha, 256–57
Intelligence Science Board, 214
International Court of Justice, 53
interrogations, 194–95, 218–23; CIA
study of, 215; coercive, see torture;
controversy over, 210–13; post-9/11
policy, 210, (“alternative”) 308
Iowa caucuses, 347
Iran, 20; hostage crisis, 42, 255;
information leaked about U.S. policy
toward, 173; Iran lawsuit decision,
255, 257
Iran-Contra affair, 83, 115, 126, 244n,
268, 326, 328, 373n19; Cheney’s view
of, 50, 53–57, 59–61, 83, 126, 202;
committee report on, 55, (Cheney’s
alternative report) 55–57
Iraq: Al Qaeda’s alleged ties to, 156,
182, 219–20, 291–94; Cheney’s
“fever” about, 294, 340n77; civilian
contractors in, 238; Iraqis, 118, 173,
(Iraqi insurgents) 103, 183, 190;
lawsuits against, 260; missile strikes
on, 65; mistaken arrests in, 218;
policy discussions with British
officials, 293; uranium sales to, 165;
and weapons of mass destruction
(alleged), 156–57, 164, 182, 219,
292–93, 357n81, 359n13
Iraq, war in, 325, 328; begins, 158, 162,
(invasion/ occupation by U.S.) 8,
62, 182, 238, 291–92, 294, 363n22,
(need for invasion questioned)
164–65, (oil fields studied before)
91n; Congress debates over, 177; end
proclaimed, 311; funding of, 324,
327; Geneva Conventions and, 184;
photos of coffins of soldiers killed
in, 105; political effect of, 312, 314;
post of inspector general created,
238; speculation about, 156, 291;
strategy planned, 357n81; support
for, 290–92; unpopularity of, 310;
treatment of prisoners, 191–92,
(mistreated) 189, 215; war crimes,
“Iraq-gate,” 362n14
Islam, 107, 151, 166; Arab dictatorship
position toward, 149; Muslims
detained, 93, 218, 362n13
Israel, 166, 174
Jackson, Michael, 254
Jackson, Robert, 35, 123, 241, 261, 330
Jackson-Lee, Sheila, 248
JAGs (Judge Advocates General),
138–39, 180, 189, 320, 343–44;
dispute, 282–89, (three-star idea)
289; and military commission trials,
Japan, war against, 18; and “relocation
camps,” 152, 322
Jarrett, H. Marshall, 205
Jefferson, Thomas, 82
Jeffords, Jim, 73n, 311
“Jerusalem-is-Israel” law, 347n
Johnson, Vice Adm. Harvey E., Jr., 341
Johnson, Lyndon, 21, 129, 244n, 263,
300; as commander in chief, 20;
Great Society programs, 43, (War
on Poverty) 23; and “imperial
presidency,” 14, 20, 44, 146
Johnson, Tim, 324
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 63, 221, 320
Jonas, Charles, 336n38
Jones, Edith, 374n31
Jones, Walter, 117
Judicial Watch (conservative group),
91–92, 98–99, 160, 161, 166, 176
Justice Department, 72–73, 77; Alito with,
375–76n40; and CIA, 30; Civil Rights
Division, hiring policy, 105, 296–300,
325, 328; congressional oversight of,
229, 239, 323; mass resignations
threatened, 187, 198; Office of
Professional Responsibility (OPR)
ethics investigation, 205; as political
target, 191; in Reagan era, 45, 47, 49,
78; and secrecy, 27, 94–96, 103, 105,
164, 166, 350n9, (Patriot Act) 114–15,
379n13, (Radack case) 107–9; and
signing statements, 234–35, 237; and
surveillance program, 184–88,
(supports wiretapping), 126; and
terrorist trials/terrorism, 135, 138, 166,
194, 196, 280; and warrant law, 202;
whistle-blower lawsuit against, 169.
See also Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
Katyal, Neal, 195, 274–75
Keene, David, 198, 204
Keith, Damon, 95
Kelley, Christopher, 230, 370n5
Kelliher, Joseph, 346n4
Kellogg, Brown & Root, 143 Kennedy,
Anthony, 168
Kennedy, Edward, 248, 272, 274
Kennedy, John F., 20
Kerry, John F., 209, 274
Kessler, Gladys, 99
KGB (Soviet State Security Committee),
30, 40, 217
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 255
Kick, Russ, 105
King, Rodney, 317
Kinkopf, Neil, 58, 242
Kissinger, Henry, 31, 36, 49, 268; détente
policy of, 341n83
Klaidman, Daniel, 362n17
Klain, Ron, 237
Klayman, Larry, 92
Kleinman, Col. Steve, 217, 220
Kmiec, Douglas, 127, 243–44, 305
Koh, Harold, 211–13, 244n, 276, 354n53
Koran, the, 215, 368n18
Korean War, 19, 54, 62, 79–80, 328;
prisoners in, 145, (interrogation of)
216; steel strike during, 123, 212
Kosovo air war, 66, 67; prisoners from, 143
Krauthammer, Charles, 264
Kristol, William, 8
Kuwait, Hussein’s invasion of, 61
Labor Statistics, Bureau of, 104
Lake, Eli, 174
Lam, Carol, 325
Laos, bombing of, 22, 25
Larry King Live (TV program), 67
Lawyers for Bush, 72
Leahy, Patrick J., 229, 248, 261, 266,
375n40; dialog with Alito, 273
Lebanon: U.S. hostages held in, 53; U.S.
troops in, 51
Lederman, Martin, 225, 276, 286, 323
Legal Services Corporation, 336n40
Legal Times, 255
legislative vetoes. See veto power
Leno, Jay, 100
Lenzner, Terry, 23–24, 25
Leo, Leonard, 266
Leonard, Bill, 163, 164
Leonard, Danielle, 294–95, 296, 298
Levi, Edward, 35, 37, 175
Levin, Carl, 63
Levin, Daniel, 196, 198–99, 337–38
Lewinsky, Monica, 65
Lewis, Ray, 85
Libbi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-, 219
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” 83, 168, 224, 252,
291, 357n81; information “leaked” by,
164–65; in 9/11 crisis, 4, 5, 6; sentence
commuted, 165, 326–27
Libya: backs bombing of Pan Am flight,
58n; U.S. bombing of, 52
Lieberman, Joe, 324
Lincoln, Abraham, 16–17, 21, 39, 257
Lindh, John Walker, 107–9
line-item veto. See veto power
Litigation Strategy Working Group, 233,
Lockheed Martin, 199
Loether, Judith Palya, 170–71
Los Angeles, “Rodney King riots” in, 317
Los Angeles Times, 303
Lott, Trent, 297, 335
Lugar, Richard, 157n
Lundquist, Andrew, 87–88, 89
Lute, General Douglas, 345
Luttig, J. Michael, 58n, 200–201
McCain, John, 208, 214, 222–23, 226,
319–20, 348, 357n84
McCain Torture Ban, 220–23, 319, 338;
signing statement restricts, 224–26,
231, 237, 271–72; veto threatened,
221, 223
McCarthy, Joe, 30
McClellan, Mark, 301
McClellan, Scott, 99, 165, 221, 301
McDermott, Jim, 106
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, The (TV
program), 52
McNulty, Paul, 366n69
Madison, James, 15, 19, 81, 82, 312
Madrid, terrorist bombings in, 187
Mahoney, Maureen, 374n31
Maliki, Nouri Al, 345
Manchurian Candidate, The (fi lm), 217
Mann, James, 51
Mann, Thomas, 312
Manning, John, 78, 82
Marbury v. Madison, 253
Markey, Edward J., 103, 248
Marri, Ali al-, 201n
Marsh, Jack, 29–30
Marshall, John, 82, 141n, 253
martial law, 316–19, 324
Martin, Cathy, 224
Masri, Khaled el-, 340
Massachusetts Constitution, 126–27
Massimino, Elisa, 276
Mayagüez incident, 31–33
media. See news media
Medicare, 116, 172
Medved, Michael, 39
Meese, Edwin III, 45, 78, 243, 269, 277, 296,
375–76n40; and presidential power,
45, 47, 48–49, 232–33, 271
Meet the Press (TV program), 359n13, 105
Meyer, Joseph, 10
Miers, Harriet, 7, 252, 263–67, 326, 338, 339
Military Commissions Act, 281, 309–10,
319–23, 333, 349
military commission trials, 58n, 134–39,
193–96, 198, 208, 274, 309–10; ruled
illegal, 195, 251, 262, 279–80, 309,
(decision overturned) 251–52, 322.
See also Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Miller, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey, 189–90
Miller, Judith, 164–65
Miller, Zell, 314
Miranda, Manuel, 263
Mitchell, John, 95, 268–69
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (Mukhtar, Al
Qaeda leader), 308, 368n18
Mondale, Walter, 24, 42
monitored phone calls and e–mail. See
surveillance program, warrantless
Mooney, Chris, 302
Mora, Alberto, 178–80, 182, 189
Morrell, Geoff, 345
Morello, Steven, 287
Morris, Col. Lawrence, 137–38
Morrison, Alan, 166
Moschella, William, 316
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 362n17
MSNBC (TV network), 263
Mueller, Robert, 185–86, 187–88
Mukasey, Michael, 342–43
Murkowski, Frank, 87
Muslims. See Islam
NAACP (National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People), 298
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration), 106
National Academy of Sciences, 103
National Archives, 97, 162–63, 254, 255,
National Endowment for the Humanities, 52
National Guard, 317
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), 165
National Press Club, 245
National Review, 65, 168
National Security Adviser, 53, 111
National Security Agency (NSA)
warrantless eavesdropping, 128–29,
202, 205, 237; Bush-Cheney approval
of, 57, 115–16, 126, 130–31, 134, 175,
184, 207, 315; warrant law forbidding,
36–37, 129–30, 315
National Security Council (NSC), 138,
199; and disregard of Boland
Amendment, 55; and Iran-Contra,
50, 53, 54, 373n19; and terrorism,
135, 291; transcripts of meetings, 27
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization), 65, 141, 335n23;
Rumsfeld with, 25, 26
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
(NCIS), 178
Navy, U.S., 35, 143
Nazi saboteur case, 136–37, 280, 356n71
NBC (National Broadcasting Company),
100, 359nn13,15
Nessen, Ron, 37
Neutrality Act, 18
New Deal legislation, 18, 253, 322
New Republic, The (magazine), 174
news media, 22; bad news released to, 224;
Bush-Cheney prosecution of
journalists, 175; Cheney and, 34–35;
covering ABM treaty, 140; leaks to,
210, 220, 292; and right to know, 95;
and signing statements, 245;
“stonewalled,” 30, 106; uncover
secret policies, 182; “video news
releases,” 172–73. See also secrecy
Newsweek magazine, 32, 91, 107–8, 154,
182, 184, 335, 364n35
New Yorker, The, 54
New York Giants, 85
New York Times, 27, 58n, 156, 164, 175,
176, 223, 338, 339, 351n21; on
warrantless monitoring of
communications, 57, 131, 202, 206,
271, 314–15, 352n26
New York Times Company, 34
Nicaragua, 46, 50, 52–54, 373n19; Reagan
terminates treaty with, 354n47
Niger uranium story, 165, 291
9/11 crisis: as act of war, 136, 193, 365n55,
(U.S. as battlefi eld) 131;
bipartisanship following, 120; Bush-
Cheney and, 76, 93–95, 99–100,
121–22, (shoot-down order) 4–6;
Cheney in, 3–7, 9, 112, 119; CIA
criticized, 292; families of victims,
308, 309, (lawsuits brought by) 169,
171; interrogation policy following,
210, 214, 217, 223; Justice Department
following, 191; mastermind of, 308,
368n18; missing hijacker, 177, 293;
national security following, 136, 228,
292, 362n13; 9/11 Commission, 5–6,
110–12, 163, 166, 294, 339, 333n12;
political effect of, 113, 312–13; and
presidential powers, 82; secrecy
following, 90, 93, 96, 102, 103;
terrorist crimes related to, 58n;
White House phone call as issue, 4–5,
6–7, 112
Nixon, Richard, 139, 152, 300, 303; agencies
controlled by, 304; appointees of,
13, 49, 96, 244n, 253; documents
subpoenaed, Ford holds on to, 36; and
executive privilege, 21–22, 24–25, 74,
(secrecy) 33, 89; imperial presidency
under, 14, 21, 100, 129, 146, (collapses)
22, 89; resigns, 21, 26, (pardoned)
26–27, 38; Watergate, 44, 47; wiretap
charges against, 36, 95, 268, 270
Nixon administration, 49, 58n, 62, 67, 261;
Cheney in, 7, 9, 14, 23, 24
Nobel laureates, 303
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, 172
Non-Detention Act (1971), 152
Noriega, Manuel, 61
Norquist, Grover, 204
North, Lt. Colonel Oliver, 53
Northern Alliance, 107, 143, 148, 150
North Korea, 67, 79, 140, 216
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),
103, 240
nuclear threat, 18, 67, 157; nuclear
technology in India, 239
Nunn, Sam, 52, 285–86, 288
Nuremberg precedent, 367n4
Obama, Barack, 348
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 259; Hamdi case,
193–94; leaves Court, 250, 252, 261,
262, 274
Office of Administration, 340–41
Office of Budget, 23
Office of Economic Opportunity, 23;
Cheney at, 13, 22–25
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), 126, 196,
197, 338, 346; under Bush-Quayle,
58–59, 78, 83, 200; Goldsmith heads,
183–84, 186–88, 190, (resigns) 191,
198n; under Nixon, 49; power of,
77–79, 83; under Reagan, 46, 167,
267; secret memos, 121, 148, 153, 155,
191; and Unitary Executive Theory,
58, 271; and “video news releases,”
173; Yoo at, 82, 136, 210, 212, (and
Guantánamo) 144, 179, (memo on
torture) 211, (resigns) see also Justice
Office of Legal Services, 23–25
Office of Management and Budget, 304, 305
Ogletree, Charles, 244n
Olson, Theodore, 47, 49, 167, 187, 197, 198,
O’Neill, Paul, 23
One Percent Doctrine, The (Suskind), 219
OPEN Government Act, 342
open-government law, 161
Orfanedes, Paul, 166
Ornstein, Norman, 312
Owen, Priscilla, 374n31
Padilla, Jose, and Padilla case, 151–53,
192–93, 200–201, 205, 215, 321, 342–43
Paige, Rod, 172
Pakistan, 148, 153, 219, 368n18
Palya, Albert, 170
Panama, U.S. invasion of, 61
Panama Canal, 17
Pan Am flight 103, 58n
Patriot Act, 130, 166, 266, 342, 349,
362n13; approved by Congress,
113, 314; challenged, 114, 366n58;
reauthorization of, 202, 224, 228–30,
241, 264, 315–16, 379n13, (change
repealed) 316, 328; signing statement
alters, 229–30, 231
Paul, John A., 303
Paul, Ron, 348
Peace Corps, 23
Pearce, Steve, 157
Pelosi, Nancy, 327
Pentagon, the, 9/11 attack on, 3, 119. See
also Defense Department/Pentagon
Pentagon Papers, 21–22
People for the American Way, 262
Philbin, Patrick, 136, 184–87, 190, 365n50;
and war prisoners, 144, 183, 198
Pickering, Charles, 297
Pike, Otis, 28
Poindexter, John, 53, 115
police, federal troops or National Guard as,
Political Science Review, 13
Pollack, Kenneth, 294
Posse Comitatus Act (1878), 317, 318
postal service bill, 238
Powell, Gen. Colin, 63, 84, 138, 139, 222,
340n77; vs. administration, 147,
209–10, 221, (war on terrorism) 320;
and weapons of mass destruction,
182, 219
Powers of War and Peace, The (Yoo), 127
Pratt, Larry, 204
prescription drug benefit program, 116
Presidential Emergency Operations
Center, 3
“presidentialists,” 9, 57, 80, 125, 126–27,
181, 327
presidential power: benefits vs.
drawbacks, 80; Bush (senior) and,
58–59, 315; Bush-Quayle and, 9, 58n,
63, 305; Carter and, 40–42, 63, 141,
255; Cheney and, 49–50, 52, 56,
59–60, (see also Bush-Cheney
administration; Cheney, Richard
Bruce [as vice president]); during
Cold War, see Cold War; the
Constitution and, see Constitution,
U.S.; “executive privilege,” 20, 88,
268, (Bush invokes) 97, 99; in foreign
relations, 141; future, 325–27; and
judicial review, 239–40; limits on, 9,
14, 26, (Church Committee and) 29;
9/11 and, 122; as nonpartisan issue,
41, 63; partisan split over, 43; politics
of, 311–14, (climax of) 314–19; power
to ignore law, 133–34; president as
commander in chief: (Founders’
intention) 18–19, 126–27, (modern
interpretation) 18, 31, 52, 64–66, 74,
82, 130–31, 149, 152–53, 202–4, 235,
(Koh criticizes) 211, (Supreme Court
and) 41, 44 (see also Bush, George
W.; Supreme Court, U.S.); in Reagan
era, 44–45, 47, 48–53; and secrecy,
96, 99, (right to withhold
information) 242; Supreme Court
nominees and, 253–58, 265, 267–69,
276, 321; traditional view of, 18; Yoo’s
writings on, see Yoo, John. See also
“imperial presidency”; Unitary
Executive Theory
presidential records, restrictions on, 96–97
Presidential Records Act (1978), 97,
258–59, 324
Presidential Succession Act, 51
President’s Council on Bioethics, 303
prisoners of war, 137, 142–55; abuse of, 69,
178–81, 214–20, 320; Cheney quoted
on, 147; death of, 214; interrogation
of, 195, 214–22; Supreme Court and,
137, 188, 199–200, (lawsuits brought
by) 319. See also Geneva Conventions;
Guantánamo Bay; torture
Prosper, Pierre-Richard, 135–36, 138, 143–44
Protect America Act, 332–35, 339, 349
Pulitzer Prizes, 175
Qahtani, Mohammed al-, 177
Quayle, Dan, 8, 9, 57, 305. See also Bush-
Quayle administration
Quinn, Jack, 236
Radack, Jesselyn, 107–10
Rasul, Shafi q, 218
Rasul v. Bush, 321
Reagan, Ronald, 23, 57, 66, 300, 313,
338n54, 346; appointees of, 46–47,
49, 88, 96, 153, 161, 204, 211, 244n,
267; controls agencies, 304–5; and
Convention Against Torture, 148,
213; deploys troops, 50, (invades
Grenada) 51, 257–58; “Evil Empire,”
79; executive orders of, 46, 304; and
presidential power, 46; “Reagan
Revolution,” 42, 46, 84; and signing
statements, 231–34, 243–44, 269;
terminates Nicaraguan treaty,
354n47; uses veto, 230; and warrant
law, 40–41, 130
Reagan administration, 42–53, 60, 78, 251,
255, 260, 268–69, 284; Cheney
defends, forges ties with, 9, 39–40,
42–43, 50–52, 54, 83; and
government deregulation, 46; Justice
Department under, 45; and
presidential powers, 48, 64; records
of, 97, 254, 258–59; secrecy, 64, 96;
Unitary Executive Theory, 124, 167,
197; and warrantless searches, 40–41.
See also Iran-Contra affair
Reagan Presidential Library, 255
Red Cross, 218; prisoners hidden from,
175, 308
Rehnquist, William, 49, 251, 255, 257,
260–61, 262, 268–69
Reid, Harry, 240, 248, 324, 327
religious groups. See faith-based groups
Reno, Janet, 96, 97
Republican National Committee, 7, 36, 86,
Republican National Convention, 88, 140,
Republican National Lawyers Association,
296, 300
Republican Party (GOP), 118, 253;
alarmed by secrecy, 98, 100; Bush as
leader of, 312; Cheney as leader of,
39–40, 54; and class-action lawsuits,
23–24, 336n38; controls Senate/
Congress, 42, 45, 73–74, 113, 146, 158,
210, 235, 249, 291, 305, 311–16 passim,
319, 336n40, (loses control) 249, 306,
321–24; corruption scandals, 310,
(probed), 325; criticizes Bush-Cheney
administration, 175, 202, 221, 248;
hypocritical, 66; and McCain
Amendment, 221, 222; in midterm
elections, 203; (1974), 27, (1978) 38,
(1980) 42, 46, (1981), 40, (1982) 45,
(2000), 344n2, (2002) 158, 311, 312,
314, (2006) 323–25; and Patriot Act,
228; and prescription drug program,
116; and presidential power, 44, 51, 59,
310, (Iran-Contra) 55; Reagan as leader
of, 79; and surveillance program,
205; vote-fraud accusations by, 323
Republican War on Science, The (Mooney),
Reynolds case, 170–71
Rice, Condoleezza, 111, 138, 210, 222,
333n9, 357n81
Rich, Joe, 296
Rise of the Vulcans (Mann), 51
Rives, Maj. Gen. Jack, 180, 288
Rivkin, David, 205
Robb, Chuck, 358n84
Roberts, Cokie, 75, 100
Roberts, John G. Jr., 196, 258, 266, 267;
conservatism of, 254–60; nominated
to Supreme Court, 251–52, 254, 260,
274, (confirmed) 261–62, 263, 266,
271; and presidential power, 254–60,
278, 323
Roberts, Pat, 205
Robertson, James, 195, 262
Roche, Jim, 287
Rockefeller, Jay, 115–16
Rockefeller, Nelson, 28, 340–41n83
Roe v. Wade, 254, 264
Rohrabacher, Dana, 346
Romero, Anthony, 335
Romig, Maj. Gen. Tom, 137–39, 343–44
Romney, Mitt, 348
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 44, 127, 261; in
World War II, 3, 18, 136–37, 152, 336
Roosevelt, Theodore, 17–18, 147
Rosen, Steve, 174
Rosenberg, Chuck, 187
ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps),
Rove, Karl, 202, 252, 326, 326, 357n81,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 150
Rudalevige, Andrew, 74
Rudman, Warren, 56
Rudolph, Eric, 322
Rumsfeld, Donald, 7, 9; and Cheney at
OEO, 13, 22–25; and Hersh report on
CIA, 34–35; with NATO, 25, 26; as
secretary of defense, 26, 30, 37, 117,
130, 139, 337n48, (in 9/11 crisis) 5,
(secrecy of briefi ngs) 357n84,
(torture issue) 178, 179, 180, 181, (war
prisoners) 144, 147
Russert, Tim, 359n15
Russia, ABM treaty with, 139–41
Ryan, Karen, 172
Safire, William, 115
Salvation Army, 289–90
Saltzburg, Stephen, 244n
Sampson, Kyle, 199, 325
Sandinista government (Nicaragua), 50, 52
Saudi Arabia, 53, 151; Bush sends troops
to, 61; Ford correspondence with, 34
Scaife, Richard Mellon, 91
Scalia, Antonin, 30, 78, 166; and
presidential power, 27, 33–34, 49,
340n76, (signing statements) 277–78
Scheuer, Michael, 149
Schlafly, Phyllis, 64
Schlesinger, Arthur, 14
Schlozman, Bradley, 299
Schmitt, Eric, 369n21
Schumer, Charles, 272
science, Bush-Cheney censorship or
dismissal of, 106–7, 301–4. See also
global warming
Scowcroft, Brent, 34, 37, 204–5
Scully, Thomas, 116
search: clandestine physical, 40;
“unreasonable,” 129, 237;
warrantless, 130, 228
secrecy, 89–92; under Bush-Cheney, see
Bush-Cheney administration;
Cheney, Richard Bruce; Clinton
administration, 63, 98–99, 162, 358n5;
from Congress, 32–33, 86, 116–17;
from judicial review, 321; Justice
Department OLC, 121, 148, 153, 155;
news media “stonewalled,” 30, 106;
9/11 and, 90, 93, 96, 102–3; under
Nixon and Ford, 33–34, 89; vs. right
to know, 95, 102, 110; right to
withhold information, 240; secret
break-ins (“black-bag jobs”), 22,
40–41; secret evidence, 317–18; secret
prisons (CIA), 174–75, 220, 237, 274,
306; Supreme Court and, 94, 96,
(State Secrets Privilege), 169–71;
terrorism and, see terrorism; World
War I, 173
Secret Service, 74; during 9/11 crisis, 6
Sedition Act (1918), 174
Senate, U.S., 55, 335n23; bipartisan
rebuke to Bush, 221; Cheney as
president of, 73, 164; Democratic
control of, 53, 73n, 88, 99; Gulf War
vote by, 62; Patriot Act vote by, 113;
ratifies Geneva Conventions, 146,
149, 155; Republican control of, 42,
46, 73, 113, 210, 291; and Supreme
Court nominations: (Alito) 274,
(Miers) 264, 265; war on terror vote
by, 120. See also Congress, U.S.
Senate Committees: Appropriations, 113;
Armed Services, 52, 63, 214, 220, 285,
288; Foreign Relations, 31, 157n,
338n54; Intelligence, 115, 205, 229,
316; Judiciary, 114, 202, 205, 229,
244n, 259, 266, 316, 366n69,
(hearings) 169, 182, 209, 213, 252,
271, 341
Sensenbrenner, James, 114–15
separation of church and state, 290
separation of powers, 88, 101, 267, 268,
270, 273–74; conservatives’ view of,
45; “death of,” 49; Ford and, 32; the
Founders and, 15, 48, 204, (Reaganite
interpretation of) 47–50
September 11. See 9/11 crisis
SERE (Survive, Evade, Resist, and Escape)
School, 215–17, 220
Sessions, William S., 244n
Shalikashvili, John, 221
Shriver, Sargent, 23
Sierra Club, 166, 176
signing statements, 330; Alito’s view of,
233–34, 277; Bush and, 236–49, 277,
288, 324, (ABA task force on) 245–47,
(McCain Amendment) 224–26, 229,
231, 237, 271–72, 375n40, (Patriot
Act) 229–30, 231; Bush-Quayle and,
234, 235; Clinton and, 230, 235–36;
Reagan and, 231–34, 241, 269
Silberman, Laurence, 49, 72, 78, 80, 136,
358n84, 366n58
Silliman, Scott, 288
60 Minutes II (TV program), 106, 189
Sklute, Maj. Gen. Nolan, 281
Skull and Bones society, 12
Smith, John Arthur, 157
Sofaer, Abe, 213
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 341n83
Somalia, U.S. forces in, 65
Sonnett, Neal, 244n
Southern Command, U.S., 216
Soviet Union, 18, 20; ABM treaty with,
66–67, (Bush terminates) 139–41;
Cheney’s hard-line views about,
341n83; Reagan and, 43, 51, 53;
supports Sandinistas, 50; U.S. spies
on, 35, 129
Sparkman, John, 34
Special Forces, U.S., 143, 215–17
Specter, Arlen, 205, 248–49, 266, 316
Starr, F. Kenneth, 65, 112, 296
State, Department of, 76, 135, 138, 242,
256; opposes Freedom of Information
Act, 27; and torture, 149
State Secrets Privilege, 169–72, 339–40
steel seizure case (Youngstown), 19, 123,
212, 259
Steiger, William, 13
Stevens, John Paul, 278
Stevens, Ted, 87, 113
Strauss, Peter L., 307
Stroock, Tom, 11
Sudan, missile strikes on, 65
Sullivan, Emmet, 161
Sullivan, Kathleen, 244n
summer intern program, 295
Sunstein, Cass, 81–82
Super Bowl XXXV, 85
Supreme Court, U.S., 112; and affirmative
action, 43, 241; and Bush v. Gore
(2000), 49, 70, 159, 253; and Cheney’s
secret task force, 86, 161, 167–68, 176;
on congressional power, 48–49, 125,
321; and Geneva Conventions, 273,
309, 355n55; and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld,
274–76, 279–80, 309, 318, (dissent)
277–78; O’Connor leaves, Roberts
nominated for, 250–52, 260, 262, 266,
(confirmation battles, 2005–2006)
262–67; power of, 253, 255; and
presidential power, 44, 153, 182, 241,
253, 275, 330, (backed by Congress)
255, 323, (FDR), 18, (Lincoln) 17, (steel
seizure case) 19, 123, 212, (terrorism)
192–94, 200–201, 203–4, 319, 320,
(victory for) 41, 74, 256, 317; and
prisoners of war, 137, 193, (lawsuits
brought by) 321; Reagan
administration and, 43, 48–49; rejects
Unitary Executive Theory, 49–50,
58–59, 72, 125, 167, 240, 261, 270,
366n58, (dissenting vote) 49; and right
to know, 22; and secrecy, 94, 96, (State
Secrets Privilege), 169–70; shifts of
power on, 251–52; and treaties, 42,
142; upholds independent-counsel law,
49, 58, 167, (law expires), 74; vacancies
during Bush-Cheney administration,
250, 251–52, 253–54, 262–67; and veto,
231, 246; and wiretapping, 95, 268,
surveillance program, warrantless, 118,
133, 169; banned by 1976 order, 29;
bipartisan reaction to, 202, 266;
“black-bag jobs,” 22, 40–41;
controversy over, 202–8; legality/
illegality of, 186, 188, 197, 202–5, 206,
313; monitored phone calls and email,
57, 115, 121, 128–29, 131, 175,
184, 238, 271, 314–15, (Arabic,
declassified) 166; reauthorization
debate, 184–88, 199, (program
continues) 201–5; secret, 237,
(revealed) 199, 237; and warrant
laws, 36–37, 130–32, 202, 204–5, 324,
(flouted) 40–41, 199, 352n26. See also
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA); wiretaps
Suskind, Ron, 219–20
Susman, Thomas, 244n
Sutherland, George, 94, 141n
Swift, Lt. Comm. Charles, 195
Sykes, Diane, 374n31 Symms, Steve,
Syria, prisoners transferred to, 150, 63n26
Taft, William Howard, 18, 147
Taft, William Howard IV, 147
Taguba, Maj. Gen. Antonio, 190
Taiwan, Carter terminates treaty with,
41–42, 141
Taliban regime, 109, 200; prisoners, 103,
107–8, 143, 148; war against, 127, 146,
Tarr, Ralph, 232–33
Taylor, Anna Diggs, 206, 207, 208
Taylor, Ted, 25
Tenet, George, 293
Terror Presidency, The (Goldsmith), 335–37
terrorism: bombing blamed on Libyans,
51–52; Bush-Cheney and, see Bush-
Cheney administration; CIA mistakes,
149; conspiracy to commit: (trial for)
195, 200, (not a war crime) 275;
counterterrorism briefings, 188, 291;
FBI information on, 165, 169, (false)
218; first post-9/11 prosecution,
108; Geneva Conventions and, 184
(see also Geneva Conventions);
and government secrecy, 93–95,
103–4, 110, 352n24, (Lindh case)
107–9; (whistle-blower case) 169;
home front as battlefield, 131, 205; and
monitoring of phones and e-mail, 131
(see also surveillance program,
terrorism (continued)
warrantless); overseas, 200, (hostages
held in Lebanon) 53, (Madrid
bombings) 187; and Patriot Act,
113–14; policy toward, 77, (“soft
on terror” as allegation) 158, 198,
203, 315; as political ploy, 156–57;
suspects imprisoned, 175, (secret
foreign prisons) 237, 308; suspicions
of, as basis for imprisonment without
trial, 321–22; terrorist trials, 58n, 135,
137–39, 165–66; torture of terrorists,
148, (McCain’s position on) 221
terrorism, war on, 76, 78, 83, 266, 325;
authorized by Congress, expanded by
Bush, 117, 120–22, 221, 220, (policies
justified) 272; Bush speaks on, 203,
308–10; Cheney and, 7–8, 9; CIA
and, 308–9; Geneva Conventions not
applied, 138, 216, 275, 318; and
Patriot Act, 264; political effect of,
286, 310, 313, 315; Supreme Court
rulings, 192–94, 200–201, 203–4, 275,
319, 320; and surveillance program,
206; and warrant law, 130, 202. See
also 9/11 crisis
Texas Bar Association, 263, 265
Texas Lawyer magazine, 266
Texas State Library and Archives
Commission, 265
Third Branch Conference, 263
This Week (TV program), 75, 100, 175
Thomas, Clarence, 80, 136, 172, 198n, 278
Thompson, Larry, 184, 362–63n21
Thompson, Tommy, 302
Thornberry, William “Mac,” 117
Thornburgh, Richard, 234–35, 246
Tierney, John, 117
Time magazine, 359n15
Tolman, Brett, 316
Tonight Show, The (TV program), 100
Tonkin Gulf resolution, 20, 22
torture: Abu Ghraib scandal, 106, 189–92,
209, 210–11, 214, 216, 314, (reforms
following) 238; Arab dictatorship
position toward, 149; Cheney-Bush
position on, see Bush-Cheney
administration; Cheney quoted on,
154; coercive interrogations, 214–18,
275, 320, 361n9, 364n34, (Cheney’s
view of) 155; Convention Against,
148, 150, 154–55, 189, 368n10,
(circumvented) 149, 155, 213; a crime
under American law, 272; “cruel and
unusual punishment,” 367n9; death of
prisoners, 214; “definition” of, 155,
210, 211, 367n4, 368n10; and false
confessions, 216–20; in foreign
countries, 149; at Guantánamo, 178,
179–80, 181; Hollywood image of, 214;
McCain Torture Ban, 206, 218–21,
319, (set aside) 222–25, 227, 229, 235,
271–72; subtle forms of, 215–17,
(“brainwashing”) 216–17; “waterboarding”
and mock executions, 154,
178, 180, 215, 219; Yoo’s memos on,
148, 153, 155, 179–82, 184, 192, 210,
(criticized), 211–12, 213, 367n4,
368n10, (rewritten) 197, 226
Total Information Awareness program,
Tower, John, 61
Train, Russell, 303
treaties, 205, 225; Anti-Ballistic Missile,
67, (Bush renounces) 139–41, 183;
Cheney’s view of, 8; forbidding
torture, 148, 150, 154–55,
(circumvented) 149, 155, 213, 363n26,
367n9; with foreign powers, 33–34,
41–42, 66, 139–42; human rights,
183; and prisoners of war, see Geneva
Conventions; Senate ratifi cation of,
335n23, 367n9; unilateral termination
of, 41, 139–41
Tribe, Laurence, 247
Truman, Harry S, 43, 62, 80, 146, 346; as
commander in chief, 18, 19–20
Truman administration, 170- 71;
“imperial presidency,” 14, 44, 261;
steel seizure case, 19, 123, 212
Turner, Jim, 299
24 (TV program), 214
Tyco International, 181, 365n48
UCLA Law Review, 344
Uniform Code of Military Justice, 137
Union of Concerned Scientists, 301–2
Unitary Executive Theory, 64, 234, 256,
271, 273, 305; Bush invokes, 124–25,
240, 273, 282; in independent-counsel
case, 197, (Supreme Court rejects)
49–50, 58–59, 72, 125, 167, 240, 261,
270, 366n58
United Airlines fl ight 93, 4, 5, 177
United Nations, 141, 156; peacekeeping
forces, 235; U.S. troops under
command of, 64
United Nations International Court of
Justice, 354n47
United Nations Security Council, 19, 61,
156, 335n23; Powell’s report to, 182,
United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), 291
United States Information Agency, 178
United States v. Curtiss-Wright, 141n
United States v. Reynolds, 170–71
uranium sales to Iraq, 165
USA Today, 172
U.S. Code Congressional and
Administration News, 232
U.S. Court of Appeals, 95–96
US News & World Report, 297
veto power, 230, 234, 243, 245–46, 247, 339;
G. H. W. Bush’s use of, 59, 230; G. W.
Bush’s use of, 221, 230–31, 324,
326–27; legislative vetoes, 41, 74, 246,
256, (one-chamber) 257; line-item
veto, 59, 231, 245; overriding
presidential veto, 26, 327; signing
statements vs., 231, 243, 246; Supreme
Court and, 231, 246; veto-proof bills,
“video news releases,” 172–73, 341
Vietnam War, 14, 26, 54, 106, 328; Cheney
deferred from service in, 12–13;
Congress and, 20–22, 30–32, 89; Ford
and, 31–33; and Geneva Conventions,
146; McCain as prisoner, 212; Nixon
and, 21, 31, 32–33, 146; opposition to,
13, 29, 33, 66, 268; reforms following,
31, 66, 74, (Cheney’s view of) 9, 158,
202, 204; violation of ceasefire and
evacuation of Saigon, 31
Viguerie, Richard, 329
vote-fraud accusations, 323
Voting Rights Act, 254
V-22 Osprey airplane, 62
Wald, Patricia, 244n
Walker, David, 88, 92–93, 99, 100–101,
112–13, 173; and Walker v. Cheney,
101, 160–62
Walker, Mary, 179, 181, 287–88
Wall Street Journal, 56, 183
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 106
War by Other Means (Yoo), 212
war crimes, 275, 276, 307–8, 322; Iraqi,
284; JAGs’ fears of later prosecution
for, 139; mistreatment of prisoners a
war crime, 145, 276, 310
War Crimes Act, 146, 310
war crimes ambassador-at-large, 135, 143
Warner, John, 220–21, 223, 226, 319
War on Poverty, 23
War Powers Resolution (1973), 62, 120;
Cheney recommends repeal of,
43, 60–61, 202; constitutionality
questioned, 47, 60, 121, 199;
disregarded, 31, 33, 42, 51, 65–66, 74,
259; Nixon vetoes, veto overturned,
26; Republicans vote to invoke, 66
war prisoners. See prisoners of war
warrant law. See Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA); surveillance
program, warrantless
Washington, George, 82
Washington Post, 30, 58n, 83, 106, 138,
146, 191, 197, 317, 333n12, 357n81,
375n33; on the CIA, 175, 222
Watergate scandal, 14, 26, 30, 54, 84, 100,
328; effect of, 14, 89, 90, 304; public
reaction to, 22, 27, 38, (Reaganite
view) 44; reforms following, 40, 47,
97, 115, 258, (Cheney’s view of) 9,
39, 158, 204, (violated) 74, 271, 327,
(warrant law) 129, 202, 204, 271
Waxman, Henry, 87–88, 117
weapons of mass destruction, Iraq’s
alleged, 156–57, 164, 182, 219, 292–93,
357n81, 359n13
Weekly Standard, The, 8
Weinberger, Caspar, 60
Weinstein, Allen, 162
Weissman, Keith, 174
Weitzel, Peter, 90
Weld, William F., 244
Wellstone, Paul, 157
Western Union, 340n76
West Publishing Company, 232
Weyrich, Paul M., 204
Whitewater case, 112
whistle-blowers, 108, 110, 168–69; Bush
ignores job-protection bill, 240
Whistleblower Protection Act, 110
White House Council on Environmental
Quality, 104
White House Counsel, 70, 72–73, 75, 90.
See also Gonzales, Alberto
White House Iraq Group (WHIG), 357n81
White House logs during 9/11 crisis, 6–7
Wilkerson, Col. Lawrence, 63, 84, 222
Wilkinson, Harvey IV, 153
Will, George F., 204, 264, 365n55
Williams, Armstrong, 172
Williams, Deborah, 107
Williams, Karen, 374n31
Williams, Stephen, 49
Wills, Garry, 313
Wilson, James, 82
Wilson, Joseph, 164–65
Wilson, Valerie Plame, 165, 326
Wilson, Woodrow, 174
wiretaps: Bush and, 203, 208, 242, 262,
315–16; Carter and, 40; by FBI, 113,
239, 268; information about,
withheld, 114–15, 239; Justice
Department supports, 126, 313; by
National Security Agency, 115, 126,
128, 175; Nixon and, 39, 95, 268, 270;
Supreme Court and, 95, 268, 375n37;
terrorism and, 113; warrant
requirements, 40, 130, 268, 324. See
also surveillance program, warrantless
Wolfowitz, Paul, 292
Woodward, Bob, 333n12, 340n77
World Trade Center, 3, 4, 119; 1993
bombing of, 135
World War I, 174
World War II, 3, 28, 54, 320; Nazi saboteur
case, 136–37, 280, 356n71; Neutrality
Act violated, 18; “relocation camps”
of, 152, 322
Wright, Jim, 50
Yale, Cheney and Bush at, 11–12
Yemen, interrogations in, 178
Yeomans, William, 300
Yoo, John, 79–80, 82, 136, 138, 205, 265, 337,
338, 344; castigates Supreme Court,
276; on Clinton administration, 67;
on presidential powers, 80–82, 122,
127, 133, 141, 198, 318, 322–23; and
prisoners, 144–49, 154, 362n21; secret
memo on use of military force, 130–31,
352n28; torture memos, 153–54,
155–56, 179–82, 182, 184, 189–92,
(criticized) 211–13, (“definition” of
torture) 155, 210, 368n10; (rewritten)
196, 226; resigns, 182, 183
Youngstown case. See steel seizure case
Zubaydah, Abu, 154, 219–20, 339